Theme: Bridging the Gap between Research & Knowledge Translation

Case Reports 2018

Renowned Speakers

Case Reports 2018

York Downs Chemists

York Downs Chemists evolved from a neighbourhood pharmacy, which continues to operate as York Downs Pharmacy, located at 3910 Bathurst Street in Toronto. The pharmacy was established in 1955. From 1987 David Garshowitz, who was a well known figure in the Canadian pharmaceutical supply industry, developed the operation into the industry-leading innovator of today.

David was a pioneer through his recognition that good health could not be achieved through the dispensing of drugs alone. He was an early proponent of approaches to patient health that have become well-accepted, but at the time were seen as “unscientific.” For instance it is now widely acknowledged that exercise, diet and mental state effect the incidence and progression of various cancers, but a number of years back the links were not recognized and for the most part physicians were unable to provide patients with knowledgeable guidance. David was unusually open to medical approaches that were considered “alternative,” which have now been validated scientifically and in many jurisdictions are a normal part of medical practice.

Naturopathic doctors, and practitioners who take a “holistic” approach to health promotion, have benefited from David’s contributions. These alternative and holistic practitioners have in turn changed the perspectives of traditional physicians who no longer regard lifestyle, the environment, family and diet as fringe concerns.

The team at York Downs Chemists continues in the same spirit. We work with progressive health practitioners and are unrelenting in our quest for innovative therapies that are safe and scientifically validated. This is David Garshowitz’s legacy, for which we are eternally grateful.

BKI Medicals

Bernice Katherine International Limited (BKI Medicals) is a Medical Tourism and Health information agency, in West Africa, providing easy access and information about new innovations and the most efficient care option around the globe. While proffering the most affordable solutions to clients medical and health needs.

Connecting you to global healthcare.


Conference series and its allied Journals warmly invite you to Toronto, Canada from August 31-September 01, 2018 for the International Conference on Clinical and Medical Case Reports (Case Reports 2018). This lively congress will highlight interesting, informative and instructional case reports from all clinical disciplines. Case Reports 2018 will focus on ‘Bridging the Gap between Research and Knowledge Translation’ to help improve communication and knowledge among clinical community and to provide a platform for international colleagues to establish corporations and exchanging ideas. Case Reports 2018 will provide the venue to present stimulating clinical presentations, unexpected adverse reactions and update modern diagnostics procedures and therapeutics options.

Conference Name  Place  Date
 Case Reports 2018  Toronto, Ontario, Canada  August 31- September 01, 2018

We look forward to welcoming you and spending valuable time in Toronto, Canada.

Case Reports 2018 anticipates more than 200 participants around the globe with thought provoking Keynote lectures, Oral and Poster presentations. The attending delegates include Editorial Board Members of related Journals. This is an excellent opportunity for the delegates from Universities and Institutes to interact with the world class Scientists and Industry Professionals working in the field of healthcare. The intending participants are requested to submit their abstract and manuscripts which will be peer reviewed by the Organizing Committee and editorial board members of the respective journals.

What is a Case Report?

Case report is a detailed study of patient symptoms diagnosis & treatment. It is anecdotal evidence, together with case series. Case reports plays major role in the field of medical research and evidenced based medicine. These are facilitated recognition of new diseases and adverse effect of treatment. Based on the disease and diagnosis case reports vary.

Why to attending?

Case Reports 2018 will present and discuss latest high impact original clinical research and case reports from all specialties of Medicine and Surgery. The conference will unite Clinicians, Surgeons, Researchers, World Leaders and Experts from clinical institutions, industry and governments. Participants will also include members of patient organizations.

Benefits of Attending the Conference

Case Reports 2018 provides a platform to discuss key clinical research findings and case reports with world leaders. The conference represents a unique opportunity for global networking with academic institutions, clinical research organizations and with pharmaceutical and biotech industries as they showcase and exhibit their products and services.

Supporting Journals:

  • Journal of Clinical Case Reports
  • Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine
  • Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology
  • Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics
  • Journal of Clinical trials








After the successful completion of Case Reports Annual Conference, which held at San Francisco in 2017, we take the opportunity to once again welcome you to Toronto, Canada from August 31, 2018 to September 01, 2018 for the 10th International Conference on Clinical and Medical Case Reports (Case Reports 2018). This lively congress will highlight interesting, informative and instructional case reports from all clinical disciplines. Case Reports 2018 will focus on ‘Bridging the Gap between Research and Knowledge Translation’ to help improve communication and knowledge among clinical community and to provide a platform for international colleagues to establish corporations and exchanging ideas. Case Reports Conference will provide the venue to present stimulating clinical presentations, unexpected adverse reactions and update modern diagnostics procedures and therapeutics options.

We look forward to welcoming you and spending valuable time in Toronto, Canada.

Case Reports Sessions

Case Reports on Cardiology:

Clinical cardiology diagnoses and treats the condition that affects the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart and the blood vessels. Clinical cardiology includes medications and other non-surgical methods to remedy and prevent the heart attacks, coronary artery diseases and other similar conditions. Cardiovascular Medicine, Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) and Application of Cardiac Progenitor Cells and many more that are discussed in international meeting of clinical case reports. 60 universities are working on Clinical Cardiology.

New topics include critical care for the cardiologist, preoperative management of the cardiac patient for non-cardiac surgery, and a MOC session for ABIM Recertification.

Cardiology Congress | Cardiology CME Events | Cardiology Conference | World Heart Congress | Cardiology Conferences | Cardiology Meetings | Cardiologists 2018 | Cardiologists Meet | European Cardiology Congress | ACC Annual Meetings | European Heart Congress | Interventional Cardiology Conferences

Related Conferences: 19th  Cardiology Conferences, August 31-September 01, 2017, Philadelphia, USA; 2nd Hypertension & Healthcare conferences, September 11-13, 2017, AmsterdamNetherlands; 20th European Cardiology Conferences, October 16-18, 2017 BudapestHungary ; 22nd  World Cardiology Conferences, December 11-12, 2017, RomeItaly; 3rd  Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiac Surgery conferences, March 08-09, 2018 BerlinGermanyWCC 2016 - World Congress of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Health, Mexico City, Mexico; Heart Failure Society Of America 20th Annual Scientific Meeting 2016 September 17-20 USA;  Heart Rhythm Scientific Sessions  May 10 – 13, 2017 Chicago, USA; American Cardiology Association conference March 17-19, 2017, USA;  Cardio Rhythm 2017  February 24 – 26 2017, Hong Kong ; World Congress on Heart Failure 29 April-02 May 2017 ParisFranceAsia Pacific Society Conference July 13-15, 2017 Singapore; The European Society of Cardiology Congress August 26 - 30 2017  Spain, Heart Failure 2017, April 29 - May 02 2017, ParisFrance, Euro PCR 2017 May 16-19, 2017 ParisFranceClinical Cardiology Conferences, May 24-26, 2018 London, UK; Heart Surgery & Cardiology Conferences, September 21-22, 2017  San Antonio, Texas, USA; Heart Conferences, December 04-05, 2017  Dallas, Texas, USA, 25th Euro Congress on Pediatric Heart Disease and Health, August 13-14, 2018 Dublin, Ireland; Heart Diseases Conferences, Toronto, Canada  September 18-19, 2017.

Related Societies and Associations:

USA: The American Society for Preventive Cardiology; American Society of Nuclear CardiologyAmerican Heart AssociationACC; American Stroke Association; Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions; Arizona Society of EchocardiographyBrazilian Society of CardiologyHeart Failure Society of America; Canadian Association of  Cardiovascular Prevention and  Rehabilitation; Elsevier Society Partners in CardiologyAmerican Society for Preventive CardiologyAmerican Society of EchocardiographyAmerican Society of Hypertension;  Brazilian Society of HypertensionCanadian Cardiovascular SocietyArgentine Society of CardiologyCanadian Association of Interventional CardiologyCongenital Cardiac Anesthesia SocietyThe American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary RehabilitationVascular and Endovascular Surgery Society.

Europe: European Society of Cardiology; British Cardiovascular Society; World Heart FederationBritish Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation;  World Heart Failure SocietyAustrian Heart FoundationAustrian Society of CardiologyPhilippine Heart AssociationBelgian Society of CardiologySpanish Society of CardiologyBritish Cardiac SocietyInternational Academy of CardiologyBritish Heart FoundationBritish Hypertension SocietyBritish Junior Cardiologists AssociationCroatian Cardiac SocietyEuropean Cardiology CongressEuropean Society of CardiologyBritish cardiology societyLuxembourg Society of CardiologyBritish Heart Failure Society; Association of Cardiologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina; British Heart FoundationSpanish Heart FoundationAustrian Heart FoundationBelorussian Scientific Society of Cardiologists.

Asia Pacific: Asian Pacific Society of CardiologyCardiac Society of Australia & New ZealandRussian Society of Cardiology; The Japanese Heart Failure SocietyJapanese Society of EchocardiographyThe World Society of Cardiovascular & Thoracic SurgeonsAsian Pacific Society of Hypertension; Association of Cardiologists of KazakhstanAustralian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation AssociationAssociation of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of AsiaChinese Society of CardiologyThe Pan-African Society of Cardiology (PASCAR)Association of Pediatric CardiologyCardiological Society of IndiaAsian Society of Cardiovascular ImagingAssociation of Black CardiologistsAlgerian Society of HypertensionInterventional Cardiovascular Society of MalaysiaIsraeli Cardiology and Critical Care Nursing Society; Japanese Society of Thoracic RadiologyKorean Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryKyrgyz Society of CardiologyLebanese Society of CardiologyThe Heart foundation of MalaysiaThe Japanese Society of Hypertension.


Case Reports on Neurology:

Neurology is a branch of medicine which deals with the diseases of Central and Peripheral nervous system. In other words it includes the diseases & disorders related to brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, autonomic nervous system and neuromuscular junction. The nervous system is a complex, sophisticated system that regulates and coordinates body activities.

  • Parkinson’s disease: Disorder of the nervous system that effects the movements of the body. It is also known as idiopathic or Primary Parkinsonism.
  • Brain tumor: Caused due to benign or malignant growths in the brain. It is categorized into two types: Primary brain tumor & Secondary brain tumor.
  • Epilepsy: A neurological disorder, in which nerve cell activity in the brain is disturbed causing seizures.
  • Alzheimer’s disease: Progressive disease that destroys memory & several other important mental functions.
  • Multiple sclerosis: Disease in which the immune system destroys the protective covering of the nerves. Symptoms include impairment of speech, numbness, fatigue etc.
  • Neuralgia: Severe pain along the course of nerve, especially in the head and face.
  • Encephalopathy: Disease which alters the structure & functioning of brain. Brain Trauma & Several Other Case Reports Related to Neurology.

Brain Disorders Summit | Brain Injury | Brain Disorders Conference | Neurology Conferences | Neurology Congress | Neurology Events | Neurosurgery Conferences | Brain Disorders Conferences | Neurology CME Conferences | Brain Disorders Congress | Neurologists Conference | Psychiatry Conferences | Addiction Conference | Addiction Therapy Conference | Alcoholism Conference | Substance Abuse Conference | Psychology Events | Psychiatry Conferences | Neurology Conference | Neurochemistry Conferences | CNS Conferences | Brain Chemistry Conferences

Related conferences: Australian and New Zealand Addiction Conference May 28-30 ,2018, QT Gold Coast , Australia; ICATT 2018: 20th International Conference on Addiction Treatment and Therapy June 11 - 12, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark; The ASAM 49th Annual Conference innovations in Addiction medicine and Science April 12-15, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA; 29th World Summit on Positive PsychologyMindfulness & Psychotherapy May 21-22, 2018 New York, USA; 8th International Conference on Addictive Disorders and Alcoholism during May 17-18, 2018 at Singapore; 25th International Conference on Psychiatric Disorders & Psychosomatic Medicine, March 21-22, 2018 Bali, Indonesia; 14th World Congress on Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, July 25-26, 2018 Vancouver, Canada; 5th International Conference on Spine and Spinal Disorders, November 5-6, 2018 San Francisco, USA; National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit April 2 - 5, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia; 20th International Conference on Neuroscience and Neurochemistry, February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany; 21st World Congress on Neurology and Therapeutics, March 15-17, 2018 London, UK; 20th International Conference on Alzheimer, March 12-13 2018 Miami, USA; International Dementia Conference, June 7-8, 2018 Sydney, Australia; 8th European Neurology Congress , September 21- 23,  2019 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies and Associations:

American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)American Psychological Association (APA); American Addiction Treatment Association (AATA); National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP)Texas Association of Addiction Professionals (TAAP); National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC); Missouri Addiction Counselors Association (MACA); Neuropathy Association & Nevus Outreach, Inc.Brain Aneurysm Foundation and Brain Injury Association of America, Inc.; Brain Injury Resource Center & Brain Trauma FoundationSturge-Weber Foundation and Think First National Injury Prevention FoundationTMJ Association Ltd. & TNA -- Facial Pain Association Tremor Action Network& Tuberous Sclerosis AllianceUnited Brachial Plexus Network and United Cerebral Palsy ; United Spinal Association& Vascular Birthmarks Foundation


Case Reports on Obstetrics & Gynecology:

Obstetrics and Gynecology is concerned with the care of pregnant woman, her unborn child and the management of diseases specific to women. The specialty combines medicine and surgery.

Gynecology is concerned with the well-being and health of the female reproductive organs and the ability to reproduce. It includes endocrinology, female urology and pelvic malignancy. The specialty spans paediatric and adolescent gynecological problems through to later years.

In obstetrics most women, although pregnant, are otherwise fit and healthy. However, others will have acute or chronic medical problems that complicate their pregnancy and are under the specific care of an obstetrician.

Obstetrics and gynecology is an exciting area. Many new techniques and procedures have been developed over the past 30 years, and transformed the health of women and babies. Improvements in ultrasound have made care of the baby in the womb a central part of the specialty. It is an evolving discipline with many research arms, both at clinical and molecular level.

Gynaecology Conferences | Gynecology Meetings | Gynaecology Events | Obstetrics Conferences | Obstetrics Meetings | Obstetrics and Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics and Gynecology Congress | Obstetrics and Gynecology CME Events | Obstetrics and Gynecology CME Conferences

Related Conferences:

7th Breast Cancer Conferences  May 10-11, 2018 FrankfurtGermany; 15th Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Conferences July 02-04, 2018 BerlinGermanyAnnual Clinical & Medical Case Reports in Cardiology Conferences, July 05-06, 2018, FrankfurtGermany; 14th Clinical Pediatrics Conferences  June 14-16, 2018 RomeItaly; 9th European Immunology Conference June 14-16, 2018 RomeItaly; 49th International  Nursing Care Plan & Health Conferences, July 16-18, 2018 RomeItaly; 24th World Nursing and Healthcare Conferences, June 25-27, 2018 AmsterdamNetherlands; 19th International Nutrition & Health Conferences, April 12-14, 2018 AmsterdamNetherlands; 11th International Childhood Obesity and Nutrition Conferences, March 15-16, 2018 BarcelonaSpain; 28th Euro Cancer Science & Therapy Conferences, August 09-10, 2018 MadridSpain

Related Societies and Associations:

USA: The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists | American Gynecological & Obstetrical Society | American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists | American Urogynecologic Society | International Federation of Gynecology and ObstetricsAmerican Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists | Obstetrics and Gynecology Organizations in America | Royal College of Dentists American Pregnancy Association | North American Menopause Society | Menopause Association‎ | SIGMA Canadian Menopause Society | Canadian Menopause Coalition

Europe: European Society of Gynecological Oncology | European Society of Gynecological Oncology Conference | International Journal of Gynecological Cancer | Calendar of Gynecological Oncology Events | European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynecology | European Union of Medical Specialists | International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Asia Pacific: Asian Society of Gynecologic Oncology | Asia and Oceania Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology | Obstetrical and Gynecological Society of Malaysia | Asian Society of Gynecologic Oncology | Gynecological Society‎ | Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Pakistan | Asia and Oceania Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology | The Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India


Case Reports on Dentistry:

Dentistry is a branch of medicine which deals with study, diagnosis, prevention & treatment of conditions, diseases & disorders related to Oral cavity & maxillofacial area.

  • Vincent infection- A painful disease of the mouth characterized by gray ulceration of the mucous membrane, bleeding of gums, foul odour to the breath etc.
  • Oral Cancer- Type of cancer that can develop in any part of the mouth due to abnormal growth of cells. It occurs mostly in people over 40years of age.
  • Dentures- Artificial replacement of one or more teeth, especially false teeth.
  • Sensitivity - Seen when the enamel layer is too thin. It is characterized by severe pain & discomfort in the mouth.
  • Cavities - Permanent damage of teeth which leads to tiny holes.
  • Bleeding gums & Several Other Case Reports related to Dentistry.

Dentistry Conferences | Dental Conferences | Dental Meetings | Oral Cancer Conferences | Maxillofacial Surgery Conferences | Speech Pathology Conference | Oral Disorders Congress | Dentistry CME Conferences | Dental Convention | Dental Science Conference | Oral Pathology Conference | Dental and Oral Health Conferences

Related Conferences:

25th  Dental and Oral Health Conferences, October 16-18, 2017 BudapestHungary; 25th  Dental Health Conferences, October 16-18, 2017 BudapestHungary; Oral Health Conferences October 16-18, 2017 BudapestHungary; 35th International Dentistry and Dental Marketing Conferences October 05-06, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 35th International Dental Marketing Conferences October 05-06, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; American World Dentistry Conferences November 13-14, 2017 San Antonio, USA; 39th Asia-Pacific Dental and Oral Care Conferences October 26-28, 2017 Osaka, Japan; 39th Asia-Pacific Dental Care Conferences October 26-28, 2017 Osaka, Japan; Oral Cancer Conferences October 26-28, 2017 Osaka, Japan;  23rd International Dentistry and Dental Material Conferences July 19-20, 2018 Rome, Italy; 21st Annual  World Dental Conference February  26-28,2018 Paris, France ; 32nd Asia Pacific Oral Health Conferences July 23-25, 2018 Melbourne, Australia; 24th Global Dentists and Pediatric Dentistry Conferences, June 11-12, 2018 LondonUK; 24th Global Dentists Conferences June 11-12, 2018 LondonUK; 24th Global Pediatric Dentistry Conferences June 11-12, 2018 LondonUK; 29th Annual World  Dental Medicine and Dentistry Conferences October 16-18, 2017 New York, USA; 29th Annual World  Dental Medicine Conferences October 16-18, 2017 New York, USA 24th European Dental Materials Conferences 30thAugust 2017 – 1st September 2017, London, UK; International  Dentistry and Oral Health Conferences, September 14-16, 2017, Valencia, Spain;  Annual International Dental and Oral Health Conferences, July 20-21, 2018, London, UK, 2nd World Dental Care Conferences, July 23-25, Milan, Italy, 2018; International  Oral Health Conferences, September 14-16, 2017 14-16, 2017, Valencia, Spain; Dental and Oral Cancer Conferences, 30thAugust 2017 – 1st September 2017

Related Societies and Associations:

USA and Canada: American Dental Association, National Dental AssociationsAcademy of General Dentistry, Academy of Operative DentistryAcademy of Interdisciplinary Dentofacial TherapyAcademy of Laser DentistryAlpha Omega International Dental FraternityAmerican Academy of Cosmetic DentistryAmerican Academy of Dental Practice Administration.

European Union and Great Britain: European Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, European Society of Cosmetic DentistryEuropean Society of Endodontology, European Academy of Paediatric dentistryAssociation for Dental Education in EuropeEuropean Prosthodontics AssociationEuropean Federation of Orthodontics (FEO),  Council of European DentistsFDI world Dental Federation,

Asia-Pacific and Middle East: Asian Institute of Advanced Dentistry, Indian Dental Association, Dental Council of IndiaIndian Society for Dental Research


Case Reports on Internal Medicine:

The specialty of internal medicine covers a wide range of conditions affecting the internal organs of the body- the heart, the lungs, the liver and gastro-intestinal tract, the kidneys and urinary tract, the brain, spinal column, nerves, muscles and joints. Although some diseases specifically affect individual organs, the majority of common diseases - arteriosclerosis, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer may affect many internal organs of the body. The internist must then be trained to recognize and manage a broad range of diseases and with the aging population, many patients with chronic and multiple disorders. It is an all embracing discipline, concerning itself with all aspects of pathology and all the organ-based specialties.

General Practice Conferences | Physician Conferences | Healthcare Meetings | Internal Medicine Conference | Healthcare CME Meetings | General Medicine Conference | Internal Medicine Congress | Healthcare Congress | Internal Medicine Meeting

Related Conferences:

3rd International Conference on Internal Medicine and Hospital Medicine, October 23-24, 2018, Toronto, Canada; 7th International Conference on Clinical and Medical Case Reports, April 16-17, 2018, Dubai, UAE; Annual Physicians Meeting 2018 , May 21-22, 2018, Osaka, Japan ; International Conference on Internal Medicine , May 21-22, 2018, Osaka, Japan; 3rd International Conference on Anesthesia , June 21-22, 2018, Dublin, Ireland; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Surgery, June 21-23, 2018 Dublin, Ireland; World Summit on Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, June 25-26, 2018, Kualalumpur, Malaysia; 3rd International Congress on Contemporary Issues in Women Cancers & Gynecologic Oncology, July 23-24, 2018, Rome, Italy; International Conference on Medical and Health Science , Tokyo, Japan, August 20-21, 2018; 9th International Conference on Clinical & Medical Case Reports, September 24-25, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2nd Annual Summit on Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine, October 03-04, 2018, Atlanta, USA; 3rd International Conference on Integrative Medicine and Alternative Treatments, October 22-23, 2018, Boston, USA;9th International Conference on Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine & Molecular Diagnostics, Oct 22-23, 2018, Boston, USA; World Congress on Fetal and Maternal Medicine, October 15-17, 2018, Osaka, Japan

Related Societies and Associations:

USA: American board of Bioanalysts | American Society for Reproductive Medicine | Latin America Network of Assisted Reproduction | Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and InfertilityAmerican Society of Andrology | American Society for Reproductive Immunology | Women's reproductive health in the United States

Europe: Association of Clinical Embryologists | German Society for Embryology | German Society for Reproductive Biology and Medicine | ALPHA International Embryology Society | National Association of Assisted Reproduction Clinics | European Society of Human Reproductive and Embryology special Interest group in Andrology | European Society for Human Reproduction

Asia Pacific: Asia & Oceania Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology | Asia Pacific Menopause Federation | Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction | Asian Society for Fertility Preservation | Maternity and reproductive health in Asian societies | Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction | Maternity and Reproductive Health in Asian Societies


Case Reports on Pediatics:

Pediatrics is the specialty of medical science concerned with the physical, mental, and social health of children from birth to young adulthood. Pediatric care encompasses a broad spectrum of health services ranging from preventive health care to the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic diseases. Pediatrics is a discipline that deals with biological, social, and environmental influences on the developing child and with the impact of disease and dysfunction on development. Children differ from adults anatomically, physiologically, immunologically, psychologically, developmentally, and metabolically.

Pediatric Cardiology Conference | Pediatric Surgery Conference | Euro Pediatric Meeting | Pediatric Neurology Conference | Neonatology Conference | Canadian Paediatrics Conference

Related Conferences:

3rd International  Pediatric Surgery Conferences ,May 07-08, 2018 Frankfurt , Germany, Advances in Neonatal Conferences and Pediatric Nutrition Conferences, July 19-21, 2018 London, UK, 20th Perinatology and Neonatology Conferences , December 04-06, 2017 Madrid, Spain, , 15th International Pediatrics and Pediatric Cardiology Conferences, February 19-20 Paris, France, 2nd Edition of International Pediatrics Congress, March 26-27, 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland, 22nd Edition, 14th International Conference on Clinical Pediatrics conferences  June 14-16, 2018 Rome, Italy, 20th  Neonatology and  Perinatology Conferences , December 04-06, 2017 Madrid, Spain,23rd European Pediatrics Conference September 20th- 22nd, 2018 Lisbon, Portugal, 20th International Pediatrics Primary Care Conferences, September 03-04, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland, 30th Global Experts Meeting on Neonatal Nursing and Maternal Healthcare, May 14-16, 2018 Singapore, 47th Global Nursing & Healthcare Conference, March 01-03, 2018 London, UK, 7th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatrics-EAPS 2018, 30 October - 3 November, 2018 Paris, France

Related Societies and Associations:

USA: American Pediatric Society Texas City, USA, North America; Asian Society for Pediatric Research (ASPR)Virginia, USA, North America; Society for Pediatric Pathology (SPP) New York, USA, North America; Children’s Leukemic Research Association New York, USA, North America; American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry Chicago, USA, North America;  American Academy of Paediatrics Washington, USA, North America; Canada Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Ottawa, Canada, North America;  Alliance Societies – POSNA Rosemont, USA, North America, American Heart Association; ACC

Europe: International Society for Social Pediatrics & Child Health London, UK, Europe; Baltic Association of Paediatric Surgeons Tallinn, Estonia, Europe; European Society For Developmental Perinatal & Paediatric Pharmacology Berlin, Germany, Europe; Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists London, UK, Europe; European Society for Paediatric Neurosurgery Athens, Greece, Europe; Italian Society of Pediatric Rome, Italy, Europe, Russian Society of Cardiology;

Asia Pacific: Asian Pacific Pediatric Association –APPA Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, AsiaThe Malaysian Pediatric Association Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Asia; Asian and Oceania Society for Paediatric Radiology Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong, Asia; Pediatric Cardiac Society of India


Case Reports on Pathology:

Pathology is a branch of medicine which deals with the cause & effects of diseases with laboratory examination of body tissues for forensic purpose.

  • Anatomical pathology- Medical specialty which is concerned with the diagnosis of a disease depending upon immunological, microscopic, macroscopic & molecular examination of tissues & organs.
  • Surgical pathology- Diagnosis of a disease to determine a treatment plan using a tissue which is taken from a living patient during surgery.
  • Hematopathology- Branch of pathology which deals with diseases related to hematopoietic cells. These cells give rise to all other blood cells.
  • Oral & Maxillofacial pathology- Represents dental specialty which can diagnose & treat problems related to oral & maxillofacial area.
  • Cytopathology- This was founded by Rudolf Virchow in 1858. Deals with the study & diagnosis of diseases on the cellular level.
  • Forensic pathology- Determines the cause of death by examining the corpse.
  • Dermatopathology & Several Other Case Reports on Pathology.

Pathology Conferences | Cytopathology Conference | Histopathology Conference | Diagnostic Pathology Conference | Euro Pathology Conference | Surgical Pathology Conference | Laboratory Medicine Conference | Breast pathology Conference | Gynecology and Obstetrics Pathology Conference

Related Conferences:

Diagnostic Cytopathology  2018, Jan. 13-15, Charleston, SC; A Practical Approach to Problematic Breast Lesions, 2018, Jan. 16-18 California, USA; The Hawaii Pathology Conference , January 16-18, 2018 MAUI, HI; The Hawaii DermatoPath Conference, Jan 18-22, 2018, MAUI, HI; The Napa Valley DermatoPath Conference, May 14-18, 2018 NAPA, CA; Cleveland Clinic Multispecialty Pathology Symposium, Jan 19-21, 2018 Las Vegas, NV; Gastrointestinal Pathology 25-Jan-18; Gastrointestinal and Neuropathology, 26-Jan-18; Pathology Update 2018, January 25 - 27, 2018, Phoenix, AZ; Liver Pathology Can Be Fun – Really, January 25 - 27, 2018, California; High Intensity  Interval Training  In Gi Pathology:  Not For The Faint  Of Heart, January 28-31, 2018, California; Leadership,  Collaboration And  Change In Healthcare: A Course For Emerging  Leaders In Pathology, Feb 2-3, 2018, California; Tuscon Symposium, March 13-14, 2018, Tuscon, Arizona; Intensive Course: Diagnostic Dermatopathology, March 15-16, 2018, Linz, Austria; Practical  Updates In  Lymphoma, April 11-13, 2018, California; 9th Annual Dermpedia CME Course, April 12-14, 2018, San Diego, CA; Pathology Multi-Specialty Symposium, April 17-21, 2018, Kiawah Island Golf Resort; Laboratory Medical Direction (LMD), April 12-13, 2018, Chicago, IL

Related Societies and Associations:

American Society of Clinical Pathology | Association of Clinical Pathologists | Association of Molecular Pathology | Association of Pathology Chairs | National Society of Histotechnology | European Society of Pathology | The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecology | American Gynecological & Obstetrical Society | Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics | Surgical Pathology | Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library | Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists | European Society of Pathology | Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology | American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynnecology | International Journal of Surgical Pathology: SAGE Journals | American Journal of Pathology | Toxicologic Pathology: SAGE Journals | American Society of Cytopathology | British Association of Cytopathology | Canadian Society of Cytology | Hong King Society of Cytopathology | International Academy of Cytology | Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology | European Society of Pathology | International Journal of Surgical Pathology: SAGE Journals | Journal of Clinical Pathology | American Journal of Pathology | Toxicologic Pathology: SAGE Journals | Cancer Cytopathology | Southeaster Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons | Pennsylvania Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons | Surgical Pathology | Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library | The American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons | European Society of Pathology | Western Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons | International Society of Dermatopathology | American Society of Dermatopathology | British Society for Dermatological Surgery | Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology - Journal - Elsevier | Surgical Pathology | Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library | British Association of Dermatologists | European Society of Pathology | Surgical Pathology Criteria - Stanford University School of Medicine | American Board of Dermatology


Radiology Case Reports:

Radiology is one of the exciting and interesting medical courses that make the use of imaging to distinguish and treat diseases available in the body. Radiology represents a branch of medicine that deals with radiant energy in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This field can be divided into two broad areas – diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology.

A variety of imaging techniques such as X-ray radiography, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine including positron emission tomography (PET), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used to diagnose and/or treat diseases. Interventional radiology is the performance of (usually minimally invasive) medical procedures with the guidance of imaging technologies.

Medical Imaging Conferences | Clinical Research Conference | Radiology Meetings | Radiology Conferences | Radiology CME Meetings | Diagnostic Pathology Meeting

Related Conferences:

7th Global Neuroscience Conferences, October 16-17, 2017 Osaka, Japan; 11th Vascular Dementia Conferences, February 22-23, 2018 Paris, France; 22nd Neurology Conferences and Neuroscience Conferences, June 14-16, 2017 Dublin, Ireland; 3rd Neuro-Oncology Conferences and Brain Tumor Conferences, April 19-20, 2018 Dubai, UAE; 3rd Central Nervous System Disorders & Therapeutics Conferences, Oct 02-04, 2017 Vienna, Austria; 15th European Neurology Congress August 29-31, 2017 London, UK; SFN’s 47th annual meetings, Neuroscience 2017, November 11-15 Washington, DC; 19th Neuroscience Winter Conferences, March 26th - 30th 2017 Sölden, Austria; 11th Annual Canadian Neuroscience Meetings - May 28 - 31 2017 Montreal; 26th Computational Neuroscience meetings July 15-20 2017 Belgium; 2nd  Brain Stimulation Conferences, March 5-8, 2017 Barcelona, Spain; 3rd Neuroscience R&D Technologies Conferences, September 28- 29, 2017 London, UK

Related societies and Associations:

Salvadorean Radiology Association | Society for Computer Applications in Radiology | Society for Pediatric Radiology | Society of Computed Body Tomography and Magnetic Resonance | Society of Gastrointestinal Radiologists | Society of Nuclear Medicine | Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound | Society of Skeletal Radiology | Society of Thoracic Radiology | Uruguayan Radiology and Imaging Society | European Association of Radiology | Cardiovascular and Interventional | Radiological Society of Europe | European Society of Breast Imaging | European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology | European Society of Musculo-Skeletal Radiology | European Society of Paediatric Radiology | European Society of Urogenital Radiology | European Society of Cardiac Radiology | European Society of Head and Neck Radiology | European Society for Neuroradiology | European Society of Thoracic Imaging |  Austrian Roentgen Ray Society | Royal Belgian Radiological Society | Czech Radiological Society | German Roentgen Ray Society | Italian Medical Radiology Society | Norwegian Society of Radiology | Slovak Association of Radiology | Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine | Indian College of Radiology and Imaging | Indian Society of Vascular and Interventional Radiology | American Association of Physicists in Medicine | American Association for Women Radiologists |  American Board of Nuclear Medicine  |  American College of Medical Physics | American College of Nuclear Physicians |  American College of Radiology | American College of Radiation Oncology | American Healthcare Radiology Administrators | American Medical Association | American Nuclear Society | American Osteopathic College of Radiology | American Radium Society | American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers | American Registry of Radiologic Technologists |  American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology


Case Reports on Surgery:

Surgery is one of the growing fields and scope of technology consisting of a physical intervention on tissues. Encompasses in several areas such as development a procedure is considered surgical when it involves cutting of a patient's tissues or closure of a previously sustained wound. Five billion people worldwide lack access to safe, affordable surgical and anaesthesia care.

The purpose of this session is to contribute to the progress of surgery by providing clinicians and researchers with an educational forum in which to share their personal experience and novel treatments and rare cases encountered by colleagues all over the world from whom contributions are welcomed.

Case reports help in developing of skills and it would be clinically interesting to an international audience of surgeons trainees and researchers in all surgical subspecialties as well as clinicians in related fields.

Rheumatology Conferences Orthopedics Conferences | Orthopedics Meetings | Surgery Conferences | Breast Cancer Conference | Oncology Conference | Gastroenterology Conference

Related Conferences:

11th International Conference on Childhood Obesity and Nutrition: March 15-16, 2018, Barcelona, Spain; 17th World Congress on Obesity & Nutrition September 24-25, 2018 Dubai, UAE; 20th International Conference on Weight loss Treatments for Obesity March 15 - 16, 2018 France, Paris; world Congress on Diet, Nutrition and Obesity September 24-25, 2018, Dubai, UAE; 15th International Conference on Clinical Nutrition May 24-26, 2018, Vienna, Austria; 20th International Conferences on Obesity May 14-15, 2018, London, United Kingdom; 2nd World Congress on Nutrition and Obesity Prevention Source: 19 - 21 April 2018, Valencia, Spain; 2nd International Conference on Obesity & Weight Management August 13-15, Chicago, USA; 19th World Obesity Congress May 17- 18, 2018, Singapore; 20th International Endoscopy Symposium Feb 1 – 03, 2018, Germany; World Nutrition 2018 October 8-9, 2018, Tokyo, Japan; Mayo Clinic Gastroenterology and Hepatology Feb 26- 03 Mar 2018, Kapaluar, United States; Congress of the German Society of Endoscopy and Imaging Techniques Mar 15-21,2018, London, United Kingdom; 21st International Symposium on Endoscopic Ultrasonography December 1-1, 2018, Thailand, Bangkok; 36th GEEW (Gastroenterology and Endotherapy European Workshop) Feb 1-3 2018, Brussels, Belgium;

Related societies and Associations:

America: The Obesity Society | WHO Obesity Research |The American Association of Endocrine Surgeons |Association for the Study of Obesity| American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy |Obesity Medicine Association | American Society for Radiation Oncology | Hepatology and Nutrition, Pediatric Endocrine Society           

Europe: Association between obesity and selected morbidities |British Obesity Surgery Patient Association| Obesity Medicine Association | European society of cardiology| Europe Association for the Study of obesity | Obesity Medicine Association | Organization of European Cancer Institute’s | European Society for Medical Oncology | Austrian Diabetes Association

Asia-Pacific: World obesity Federation; American Obesity Association | Associations of Physical Activity | Obesity & metabolic Surgery Society of India |Japan Society for the study of obesity | Society of Endocrine, Metabolism & Diabetes of Southern Africa| Japan Paediatric Society | Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society


Case Reports on Anaesthesiology:

Anaesthesiology is the branch of medicine concerned with the relief of pain and the administration of medication to relieve pain during surgery or other invasive procedures. It is a specialty requiring competency in general medicine, a broad understanding of surgical procedures, and a comprehensive knowledge of clinical obstetrics, chest medicine, neurology, pediatrics, pharmacology, biochemistry, cardiology, and cardiac and respiratory physiology.

The scope of anaesthesiology includes non-surgery-related pain management; management of painful syndromes; monitoring, restoring, and maintaining hemostasis; teaching cpr; evaluating and applying respiratory therapy.

Anaesthesia Conferences | Analgesia Conferences | Surgery Meetings | Surgery Conferences | General Surgery Conferences | Surgery Meetings 2018 | Metabolic Meeting | Surgery event | Bariatric Conferences | Surgery Conferences | Surgery Meetings | Surgery conferencesNursing conferences | Trauma Conferences | Critical care conferences | Cosmetology conferences | Plastic Surgery |

Related Conferences:

3rd International Conference on Bariatric Surgery March 15-16, 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 9th European Congress on Rheumatology, Autoimmunity and Orthopaedics October 16-17, 2018 Warsaw, Poland; 28th Global Neurologists Annual Meeting on Neurology  and Neurosurgery November 01-03, 2018 Brussels, Belgium; 3rd International Conference on Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery May 07-08, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany; 23rd International Conference on Neurology and Neurosurgery April 23-25, 2018 Rome, Italy; ERAS-ESSO Course on Perioperative Care in GI Surgery 2017, December 11-12, 2017, Maastricht, Netherlands; Safety and Sustainability in Rural General Surgery Conference 2017, November 30, 2017, Glasgow, Scotland; Société Française et Francophone Wounds and Healing 2018 , January 21-23, 2018, Paris, France; Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Europe 2018 (AWR 2018), February 1-3, 2018, London, UK; ESSO Hands on Course on Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy and Gastrectomy 2018, March 15-16, 2018, Utrecht, Netherlands; 4th Annual Congress and Medicare Expo on Trauma & Critical Care February 22-23, 2018 Paris, France; October 16-17, 2017, 27th Surgical Nursing & Nurse Education, Dubai, UAE; April 02-03, 2018, 3rd International Conference on Paediatric Nursing & Healthcare, Miami, USA; March 20 - 21, 2018, 8th International Conference on Pulmonology and Critical Care Medicine, Orlando, USA; July 09-11, 2018, 11th World Congress on Orthopaedics, Rheumatology & Sports, Sydney, Australia; May 17-18 2018, International Conference on Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology, Singapore city, Singapore; November 27-28, 2018, 12th International Conference on Surgery and Anaesthesia, Singapore city, Singapore

Related Societies and Associations:

America: The American Board of Surgery | Association for Academic Surgery | The American Society of General Surgeons | American Surgical Association | Association of Women Surgeons | The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma | American Trauma Society | Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma | Orthopaedic Trauma Association

Europe: European Society of Surgery | European Surgical Association | European Society for Surgical Research | Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland | Society of Academic & Research Surgery (SARS) | European Society for Trauma & Emergency Surgery | British Trauma Society | Orthopaedic Trauma Society | Association of Trauma & Military Surgery

Asia-Pacific: Asian Surgical Association | Japan Surgical Society | The Association of Surgeons of India | Kuwait Association of Surgeons | Asia Pacific Trauma Society | Emirates Orthopaedic Society | The Japanese Association for The Surgery of Trauma | Indian Association Of Traumatology & Critical Care


Case Reports on Clinical Nursing:

Clinical Nursing is a branch of nursing with advanced educational preparation and expertise in a specialty area of nursing practice, has a unique APRN (Advance Practice Registered Nurse) role - to improve health care quality.

A Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) is a registered nurse who is recognised as a senior member of staff across all areas of practice but particularly in acute care and demonstrates a higher level of skill in their clinical decision making, especially when it comes to problem identification and solution, and analyzing and interpreting clinical data. Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) provide direct care to patients in one of a range of specialties, such as pediatrics, geriatrics, emergency care and oncology. CNSs may also serve as consultants, assisting other medical professionals working to improve patient outcomes and influence all levels of care.

 Nursing Nursing Meetings | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Education Conferences | Nurse Practitioners Meetings 

Related Conferences:

4th International Anxiety and Stress Management Conferences, May 10-11, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany;  27th Euro Psychiatrists and Psychologists Conferences, July 05-06, 2018 Austria, Vienna;  26th International Psychology Health Conferences, Feb 22-24, 2018 Paris, France;  4th International Mental Health & Human Resilience Conferences, April 26-27, 2018 Rome, Italy; 27th International Oncology Research Conferences, May 10-12, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany; 28th Euro Cancer & Science  Therapy Conferences, August 09-10, 2018 Madrid, Spain; 5th Annual Emergency Nursing Conferences , July 16-17, 2018 London, UK;  50th World Men Nursing Conferences, July 16-17, 2018 Rome, Italy; 4th International Gynecology Conferences, October 02-04, 2017, Tryp Barcelona Aeropeurto, Barcelona, Spain;  47th Global Nursing & Healthcare Conferences, March 01-03, 2018 London, UK

Related Societies and Associations:

USAThe American Association for the Surgery of TraumaAmerican Psychological AssociationAmerican Academy of Child & Adolescent PsychiatryInternational Association for Trauma  ProfessionalsAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaTrauma Center Association of AmericaInternational Society for Traumatic Stress StudiesEastern Association for the Surgery of TraumaTrauma Association of Canada, National Institute of Nursing Research | Association of Community Health Nursing Educators | West Sound Advanced Practice Association | American Nurses Association | Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools | American Assisted Living Nurses Association | American Association for the History of Nursing | American Academy of Nursing | Visiting Nurse Associations of America | American Association of Endocrine Surgeons, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists | American Head and Neck Society | American Thyroid Association | Association of Women Surgeons | Australian and New Zealand Endocrine Surgeons | Australian Society of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery | British Association of Head and Neck Oncology  | Canadian  Association of Pathologists

Europe: European Society for Traumatic Stress StudiesEuropean Critical Care FoundationEuropean society of Intensive Care MedicineEuropean society for Trauma & SurgeryEuropean Society for Trauma & DissociationEuropean Federation of Psychologist’s AssociationEFORTInternational Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care, European Federation of Nurse Educators | European Nursing Student Association | European Nurse Directors Association | European Specialist Nurses Organisations | Association of District Nurse Educators | European Nursing Organizations | European Specialist Nurses Organisations | European Society For Medical Oncology | Rational Therapy for Breast Cancer | European Society of Preventive Medicine | Association Vivre sans Thyroïde | Dutch Endocrine Society | European Laryngological Society | European Society of Endocrinology | French Endocrine Society | German Society of ORL HNS | German Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association

Asia-Pacific: Asian Society for Traumatic Stress StudiesTurkish Association for Trauma and Emergency SurgeryAfghanistan Orthopedics and Traumatology AssociationMalaysian psychological AssociationAsian Association for EMSAsian Psychological AssociationTrauma Recovery & Corporate Solutions, Asia/Pacific Nursing Organizations | Chinese Nursing Association | Indian Nurses Association | Fiji Nursing association | Myanmar Nurses Association | Nursing Council of Asia | Philippine Nurses Association | Indonesian Oncology Nurses Association | Japanese Nursing Association | Korean Nurses Association | Taiwan Nurses Association | Asian Breast Cancer Society | Asian Health Coalition | Asian Cancer Foundation | Asian Pacific Prostate Society | Asia-Pacific Cancer Society | Asia Pacific NeuroEndocrine Tumor Society | Asian Society of Head & Neck Oncology | Asian and Oceania Thyroid Association | Asia-Pacific Society of Thyroid Surgery | Brazilian Society of Head and Neck Surgery


Case Reports on Family Medicine:

The specialty of family medicine is centered on lasting, caring relationships with patients and their families. Family physicians integrate the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences to provide continuing and comprehensive health care. The scope of family medicine encompasses all ages, sexes, each organ system and every disease entity. Read more about the history, scope and definition of family medicine by reviewing the following resources.

Family medicine is a three-dimensional specialty, incorporating (1) knowledge, (2) skill and (3) process. At the center of the process element is the patient-physician relationship with the patient viewed in the context of the family. It is the extent to which this relationship is valued, developed, nurtured and maintained that distinguishes family medicine from all other specialties.

Family physicians integrate the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences to provide continuing and comprehensive health care. Family medicine encompasses all ages, sexes, each organ system and every disease entity. Family physicians also pay special attention to their patients' lives within the context of family and the community.

Cell Therapy Conferences | Cell Therapy Conferences Genetics & Molecular Biology Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Conferences | Regenerative Medicine | Stem Cell Conferences | Stem Cell Congress | Tissue Science Conferences

Recommended Conferences:

4th World Congress on Public Health, Epidemiology & Nutrition May 24-25, 2018 Osaka, Japan, 12th World Congress on Industrial Health, Healthcare and Medical Tourism October 16-17, 2017 Dubai, UAE, 29th World Psychiatrists Meet December 07-08, 2017 Dubai, UAE, Annual Physicians Meeting 2018 March 22-24, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 7th International Conference on Clinical and Medical Case Reports  April 16-17, 2018 Dubai, UAE, International Conference on Internal Medicine  April 23-24, 2018 Dubai, UAE, World Congress on Fetal and Maternal Medicine October 15-17, 2018 Osaka, Japan, 10th Asia Pacific Global Summit on Healthcare March 12-14, 2018 Singapore, 26th World Congress on Nursing Care May 21-23, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 3rd International Congress on Contemporary Issues in Women Cancers & Gynecologic Oncology; 29th Euro-Global Summit on Cancer Therapy & Radiation Oncology, July 23-25, 2018 Rome, Italy; 28th Euro Congress on Cancer Science & Therapy, August 09-10, 2018 Madrid, Spain; 27th International Conference on Oncology Research & Cancer Stem Cells, May 10-12, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany; 9th European Immunology Conference, June 14-16, 2018 Rome, Italy; 12th World Hematologists Congress, March 15-16, 2018 London, UK; 14th International Conference on Surgical Pathology & Cancer Diagnosis, May 17-18, 2018 Rome, Italy; 7th World Congress on Breast Cancer May 10-11, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany; 20th International Conference on Pediatrics Primary Care, September 03-04, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; Annual Conference on Clinical & Medical Case Reports in Cardiology, July 05-06, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

Society of Clinical Psychology | American Psychological Association (APA) | The Australian Clinical Psychology Association | Society of Counseling Psychology | Association of Professional Counseling Psychologists | British Pregnancy Advisory Service | Reproduction and Society | Teratology Society Association of Early Pregnancy | American Pregnancy Association | North American Menopause Society | Menopause Association‎ | SIGMA Canadian Menopause Society Canadian Menopause Coalition | Maternity and Reproductive Health in Asian Societies | International Menopause Society | Indian Menopause SocietyAustralasian Menopause Society | Canadian Society of TransplantationAmerican Society of TransplantationBC Transplant SocietyAmerican Society of Transplant SurgeonsBritish Transplantation SocietyIndian Society Of Organ TransplantationIntestinal Rehabilitation and Transplant AssociationThe Transplantation SocietyTransplant Recipients International OrganizationTransplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand , AustraliaOrgan and Tissue Authority, PhilippinesNational Kidney and Transplant institute, MalaysiaNational Transplant Resource Centre, Singapore


Case Reports on Primary care:

Primary care is that care provided by physicians specifically trained for and skilled in comprehensive first contact and continuing care for persons with any undiagnosed sign, symptom, or health concern (the "undifferentiated" patient) not limited by problem origin (biological, behavioral, or social), organ system, or diagnosis.

A primary care practice serves as the patient's first point of entry into the health care system and as the continuing focal point for all needed health care services. Primary care practices provide patients with ready access to their own personal physician or to an established back-up physician when the primary physician is not available.

Primary care includes health promotion, disease prevention, health maintenance, counseling, patient education, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses in a variety of health care settings. Primary care is performed and managed by a personal physician often collaborating with other health professionals, and utilizing consultation or referral as appropriate. Primary care provides patient advocacy in the health care system to accomplish cost-effective care by coordination of health care services. Primary care promotes effective communication with patients and encourages the role of the patient as a partner in health care.

Primary Healthcare Conferences | Healthcare Meetings | World Nursing Events

Recommended Conferences:

4th Annual Congress and Medicare Expo on Trauma & Critical Care; February 22-23, 2018 Paris, France; 47th Global Nursing & Healthcare Conference, March 01-03, 2018 London, UK;  48th World Congress on Advanced Nursing Research, June 14-15, 2018 Dublin, Ireland; 5th Annual Congress on Emergency Nursing & Critical Care, July 16-17, 2018 London, UK; 26th Cancer Nursing & Nurse Practitioners Conference, July 16-17, 2018, London, UK; 50th World Congress on Men in Nursing July 16-17, 2018 Rome, Italy; 27th World Nursing Education Conference,  September 24-26, 2018 Berlin, Germany; 49th International Congress on Nursing Care Plan & Health, July 16-18, 2018 Rome, Italy; 22nd Prevention of Diabetes and Complications Conferences October 12-13, 2017 LondonUK; 27th European Diabetes Conferences June 11-12, 2018 Rome, Italy; 3rdMetabolic Syndrome Conferences June 18-19, 2018 DublinIreland; 3rd Public Health and Nutrition Conferences February 26-28, 2018 LondonUK; 3rd Health Economics and Patient Safety Conferences April 12-13, 2018 AmsterdamNetherlands; 13th Healthcare & Technologies Conferences June 14-15, 2018 DublinIreland; 2nd Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare June 21-22, 2018 DublinIreland; 6th Medical Informatics and Telemedicine Conferences July 5-6, 2018 BerlinGermany; 3rd Environmental Health Conferences October 15-16, 2018 WarsawPoland

Related Societies and Associations:

EuropeAssisted Living Nurses Association |  Europe Association of Colleges of NursingGerman Agency for Quality in Medicine | German Medical AssociationCollege of Registered Nurses of Nova ScotiaRegistered Nurses Association of the Northwest TerritoriesNurses Association of New Brunswick | Registered Nurses Association of British ColumbiaNursing Council of New Zealand | German Agency for Quality in MedicineGerman Medical Association | The German Nurses Association DBfK – DBFnkSociety The Association of Nurses of Prince Edward Island | College of Registered Nurses of ManitobaBirmingham University Midwifery

USA: American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition: Nurses SectionAmerican Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses | American Society of Peri-Anesthesia Nurses | American Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgical NursesAmerican Thoracic Society: Nurses Section | Army Nurse Corps Association Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses | Academy of Neonatal Nursing | American Association for the History of Nursing | American Association of Colleges of NursingAmerican Association of Critical Care Nurses | American Association  of Diabetes EducatorsAmerican Association of Heart Failure Nurses  |American Association of Managed Care Nurses | American Association of Clinical EndocrinologistsAmerican Psychiatric Association.

Asia-Pacific & Middle East: Association of Registered Nurses of Newfound & LabradorThe Nurses Association of Republic of China | Australian Practice Nurses Association | Korean Nurses AssociationCATSIN-Congress of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Nurses | Thailand Nursing Council | Fiji Nursing Association | Enrolled Nurse Professional Association of NSW | Royal College of Nursing Australia | Royal Australian College of Obstetricians & GynecologistsAssociation of Nurses-Northwest Territory | Nursing Council of New Zealand | Nurses Association of New Brunswick | Japanese Nursing Association | Macao Nursing AssociationSingapore Nurses Board


Toxicology Case Reports:

Toxicology is the study of the nature, effects, and detection of poisons (toxins) and the treatment of poisoning.

The connected discipline of toxicology includes the study of the nature and mechanisms of deleterious effects of chemicals on living beings. The study of toxicology as a distinct, yet related, discipline to pharmacology highlights the emphasis of toxicologists in formulating measures aimed at protective public health against exposures associated with toxic materials in food, air and water, as well as hazards that may be related with drugs.

Toxicology Conferences | Toxicology Congress | Toxicology Meetings | Global Toxicology Conferences | Toxicology International Conferences | Environmental Toxicology Conferences | Euro Toxicology Conferences | Applied Pharmacology Conferences

Related Conferences:

15th Euro-Global Toxicology Conferences July 02-04, 2018 Berlin, Germany; 17th Congress on Global Toxicology October 22-24 2018, Vienna, Austria; 16th Annual Meeting on Environmental Toxicology August 13-14, 2018 London, UK; Upcoming Toxicology Conferences July 02-04, 2018 Berlin, Germany; Global Toxicology Meetings October 22-24 2018, Vienna, Austria; EnviTox Meetings August 13-14, 2018 London, UK; Toxicology and Pharmacology Conferences July 02-04, 2018 Berlin, Germany; SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, May 13-17 2018, Rome, Italy; BelTox 54th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2018), September 2-5, 2018, Brussels, Belgium; BTS British Toxicology Society Annual Congress, April 16-18, 2018, Hilton, England; SOT Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, March 11-15, 2018, San Antonio, US; 3rd German Pharm-Tox Summit, February 26 - March 01, 2018, Gottingen, Germany; ESTIV European Society of Toxicology In Vitro, 20th International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology October 15-18, 2018, Berlin, Germany; EAPCCT 38th Congress of European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, May 22-25, 2018, Bucharest, Europe; IUTOX 10th Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries, April 18-21, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia; SOT; IUTOX; AACT; ABT; SETAC; EUROTOX

Related Societies and Associations:

USA: Society of Toxicology (SOT) | International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX) | American Academy of Clinical Toxicology (AACT) | American Board of Toxicology (ABT) | Academy of Toxicological Sciences

Europe: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) | Federation of European Toxicologists & European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX) | British Toxicology Society (BTS) | European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV) | European Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT)

Asia Pacific: The Asian Society of Toxicology (ASIATOX) | Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology (APAMT) | Chinese Society of Toxicology | Society of Toxicology India (STOX) | Korean Society of Toxicology


Case Reports on Hospice and Palliative Medicine:

Hospice Care is delineated to give supportive care to people in the final phase of a terminal illness and focus on comfort and quality of life, rather than cure. The objective is to enable patients to be comfortable and free of pain, and this is main hospice advantage, whereas

Palliative care is an approach that boosts the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem which correlates with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable estimation and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psycho social and spiritual.

Palliative care Conferences | Hospice Meetings | Geriatrics Conferences | Health care Summits

Recommended Conferences:

3rd World  Public Health Conferences, February 26-28, 2018 London, UK; 17th Global Diabetes Conferences, March 8-9, 2018 Paris, France; 13th World Healthcare Conferences, June 14-15, 2018 Dublin, Ireland; 6th International Medical Informatics Conferences, July 5-6, 2018 Berlin, Germany; 2nd International Social Sciences Conferences, June 18-19, 2018 Rome, Italy; Asia Pacific Geriatrics Conferences, August 10-13, 2018, Singapore; European Union Geriatric Medicine Society Conferences, October 10-12, 2018, Berlin, Germany; 4th World Parkinson Congress, September 20-23 2018, Portland, USA; Gerontological  Society of America Conferences, November 16-20 2018; Alzheimer's Disease Conferences, June 7-9, 2018, London, UK.

Related Societies and Associations:

Austrian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Austria | Bulgarian Association on Ageing, Bulgaria | British Society of Gerontology, UK |  German Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Germany | Netherlands Association of Gerontology, Netherlands | Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Spain | Swedish Gerontological Society, Sweden |  Turkish Geriatrics Society, Turkey | Czech Gerontological and Geriatric Society, Czech Republic | Finnish Gerontological Society, Finland | Georgian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Georgia | Irish Gerontological Society, Ireland | Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Italy | Norwegian Gerontological Society, Norway | Polish Society of Gerontology, Poland | Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation


Dermatology Case Reports:

Dermatology is a branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases of the skin, hair, nails, oral cavity and genitals. Sometimes also, cosmetic care and enhancement.

Aesthetic medicine is a broad term that applies to any specialty that involves the process of modifying a patient’s physical appearance. Either to enhance a person’s face and body, or decrease the risk of certain types of diseases including obesity.

Aesthetic medicine also delves on the assessment and diagnosis of certain conditions that may have change a person’s physical appearance such as acne, eczema, allergies, as well as symptoms of hormonal imbalances like excessive hair and weight gain.

Dermatology Conferences | Dermatology Workshops | Skin Care Events | Dermatology CME Events | Dermatology Congress

Related Conferences:

17th European Dermatology Conferences March 01-03 2018 Paris, France. 12th Global Dermatologists Conferences August 31- September 1, 2017 London, UK. Cosmetic Dermatology Conferences and Hair Care Conferences October 26-27, 2017 Paris, France. Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis and Skin Infection Conferences (10 Plenary Forums - 1 Event) October 16-18, 2017 New York, USA. Annual Dermatologists Conferences, October 17-18, 2018 Seoul ,South Korea, Asia Pacific conferences on Dermatology Conferences and Cosmetology Conferences August 22-23, 2018 Tokyo, Japan. 7th World Congress on Immunology Conferences, April 19-20, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2nd Euro-Global Congress on Melanoma Conferences and Skin Diseases Conferences, August 31 - September 01, 2017, London, UK. 22nd Edition of  Immunology Conferences and Evolution of Infectious Disease Conferences, May 10-12, 2018, Frankfurt, Germany. Cosmetology Conferences and Dermatology Conferences, June 21-22, 2018, London, UK International Society of Dermatopathology Conferences, September 28-30, Scotland. British Society for Cutaneous Allergy Contact Dermatitis Conferences 2017, September 29-30 2017, Stratford, Warwickshire. Dubai Academy of Dermatology Conferences, January 11 - 13, 2018. Orlando. Dermatology Aesthetic Conferences and Clinical Conferences, January 12-15, 2018, Doral, United States. 17th Annual Caribbean Dermatology Conferences. January 16, 2018. 42nd Annual Hawaii Dermatology Conferences, February 4-9, 2018. 26th EADV Conferences, September 13-17, 2017, Geneva. 47th Annual Esdr Conferences, 27-30 September 2017, Salzburg, Austria

Related Societies and Associations:

USA and Canada: American Board of Dermatology | Skin Cancer Foundation | Argentine Society of Dermatology | International Society of Dermatopathology | Canadian Dermatology Association. Primary Care Dermatology Society of Canada.

 European Union and Great Britain: The European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR) | European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) | European Society for Cosmetic & Aesthetic Dermatology (ESCAD) | British Association of Dermatologists | Austrian Society of Dermatology and Venereology | Finnish Dermatological Society |

 Asia-Pacific and Middle East: Asian Academy of Dermatology and Venereology |  Dermatological Society of Singapore | The Japanese Dermatological Association | Chinese Society of Dermatology | International Society Of Dermatology


Oncology and Cancer Case Reports:

Cancer has a diversified nature in relation to the organ specificity. Cancer is a group of more than 100 diseases that develop across time in virtually any of the body’s tissues. Each type of cancer has its unique features; the basic processes that produce cancer are quite similar in all forms of the disease. Organ Specific Cancers are cancers named basing on the location of cancer in the body organ. The various types of cancers include Head & Neck Cancer, Lung Cancer, Skin Cancer, Breast Cancer, Bone Cancers, Ovarian Cancer etc.,

Cancer Biomarker Conference | Biomarker Conference | Cancer Conference | World Biomarkers Conference | Biomarker Congress | Leukemia Conference | Leukemia | Hematology Conference| Hematologic Oncology | Hematology Conference | Blood Cancer Conferences | Cancer Conferences | World Cancer Conference | Oncology Conferences | Cancer Genetics | Cancer Epigenetics | Epigenetics

Related Conferences:

27th International Oncology Conferences and  Cancer Stem Cells Conferences, May 10-12, 2018, Frankfurt, Germany; 20th Euro-Global Summit on Cancer Therapy Conferences and Radiation Oncology Conferences, August 28-29, 2017, Brussels, BelgiumOncology Conferences Asia 2018; 25th World Cancer Conference, Oct 19-21, 2017, Rome, Italy; 2nd International Epigenetics Conferences and Chromatin Conferences, November 06-08, 2017, Frankfurt, Germany; Cancer Conferences Japan 2018 ; International Oncology Conferences and Oncology Diagnostics Conferences, August 28-30, 2017, Brussels, Belgium; 28th Euro Cancer Science Conferences and  Cancer Therapy Conferences, August 09-10, 2018, Madrid, Spain; 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Women Cancers & Gynecologic Oncology Conferences, Aug 29-30, 2017 London, UK; 7th World Conferences on Breast Cancer, May 10-11, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany; 14th International  Cancer Surgical Pathology Conferences and Cancer Diagnosis Conferences, May 17-18, 2018 Rome, Italy;Oncology Conferences USA 2018; 9th European Immunology Conferences, June 14-16, 2018 Rome, Italy; 9th Annual Stem Cell Conferences and Regenerative Medicine Conferences, Sep 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany; ESMO 2017 Integrating science into oncology for a better patient outcome Conference, 08-12 Sep, 2017, Madrid, Spain; 11th European Breast Cancer Conferences, March 21-23, 2018, Barcelona, Spain; AACR-NCI-EORTC International Cancer Molecular Targets Conferences and Cancer Therapeutics Conferences, August 26-27, 2018, United States of America; 5th Annual International Advances in Hematology Conferences and Oncology Conferences, August 12-13, 2017, USA; Cancer Conferences USA 2018 ;  International Conferences on Clinical Trials in Oncology and Hemato-Oncology Conferences 2018, February 19-20, 2018, Berlin, Germany; 33rd German Cancer Conferences 2018, February 21-24, 2018, Berlin, Germany; Cancer Conferences Japan 2018

Related Societies and Associations:

Europe: UK Oncology Nursing Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group SocietyChildhood Cancer Research Group Cancer Focus BASOEuropean Society for Medical OncologyEuropean Oncology Nursing SocietyEuropean Society of Oncologic ImagingEuropean Association for Cancer Research

USA: American Cancer Society (ACS)Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy AssociationAmerican Association for Cancer Research (AACR)Association of International Cancer ResearchInternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

Asia: Asian Clinical Oncology Society (ACOS)Asian Oncology Nursing Society(AONS)Asian Society of Gynecologic Oncology (ASGO)Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology (ASNO)Asian Society of Head & Neck Oncology (ASHNO)


Case Reports on Diabetes:

Diabetes case reports are in-depth inquiries of an individual, crowd, occasion or public. The data are assembled from a diversity of places by various methods. The case study technique encompasses spotting what happens to, or reconstructing ‘the case history’ of a single participant or group of individuals, i.e., the idiographic approach. Case studies permit an investigator to investigate a topic in far more detailed and minute way. The case study is not itself a research method, but investigators choose methods of data collection and analysis that will generate material suitable for case studies. Most of this evidence is likely to be qualitative but the psychologist might collect numerical data as well and present in various diabetes conference and scientific sessions.

Diabetes Conferences | Endocrinology Conferences | Diabetes Meetings

Recommended: Conferences:

22nd Prevention of Diabetes and Complications Conferences October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 17th Global Diabetes & Nursing Care Conferences March 8-9, 2018 Paris, France; 3rd Metabolic Syndrome Conferences June 18-19, 2018 Dublin, Ireland; 3rd Public Health and Nutrition Conferences February 26-28, 2018 London, UK; 3rd Health Economics and Patient Safety Conferences April 12-13, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands; 13th Healthcare & Technologies Conferences June 14-15, 2018 Dublin, Ireland; 2nd Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare June 21-22, 2018 Dublin, Ireland; 6th Medical Informatics and Telemedicine Conferences July 5-6, 2018 Berlin, Germany; 3rd Environmental Health Conferences October 15-16, 2018 Warsaw, Poland

Related Societies and Associations:

USA: American Association of Diabetes Educators | American Diabetes Association | Canadian Diabetes Association | American Association for Clinical Endocrinology | Diabetes Canada

Europe: European Society of Endocrinology | Central European Diabetes Association | FAND - Italian Association of Diabetics | Italian Association for the Defence of the Interests of Diabetics | International Diabetes Federation- Italy

Asia-Pacific: Australian Diabetes Society | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes | Diabetes Association of Nigeria | Diabetes Association of the Republic of China | Asian Diabetic Association


Psychology Case Reports:

Psychology is the science concerned with behavior, in both human and nonhuman animals. Despite its youth, it is a broad discipline, essentially spanning subject matter from biology to sociology. A psychologist is a professional who evaluates and studies behavior and mental processes. Psychologists have doctoral degrees. They study the intersection of two critical relationships: one between brain function and behavior, and another between the environment and behavior. As scientists, psychologists follow scientific methods, using careful observation, experimentation and analysis. But psychologists also need to be creative in the way they apply scientific findings.

Psychology health conferences | Behavioral conferences | Occupational health and well-being, Workplace bullying, aggression and violence, Motivation in the workplace, Job satisfaction and commitment, Leadership & Organizational development, Innovation & Decision-making, Work Stress & Management, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and commitment therapy, Marriage and Couple Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Family and Group Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy

Related conferences:

4th International Conference on Mental Health & Human Resilience, April 26-27, 2018,Rome, Italy;  27th Euro Congress on Psychiatrists and Psychologists, July 05-06, 2018, Vienna, Austria; 2nd European Meeting on Women's Mental Health 2017 October 26-27 2017, Barcelona, Spain; EPA 2018: 26th European Congress of Psychiatry, 3-6 March 2018  Nice, France; ICMH 2018: 20th International Conference on Mental Health, January 29 - 30, 2018, Sydney, Australia; 46th Annual Meeting International Neuropsychological Society, Feb. 14-17, 2018, Washington, D.C., USA

Related Societies and Associations:  

Associates for Behavioral Health | Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Association of Advancement of Behavior therapy Australian Association for Cognitive Behavior Therapy British Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies | Society of Clinical Psychology | American Psychological Association (APA) | The Australian Clinical Psychology Association | Society of Counseling Psychology | Association of Professional Counseling Psychologists


Ophthalmology Case Reports:

This branch of medicine deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye. The ophthalmology is a vast topic that includes the major subspecialties which is either concern with certain diseases or diseases of certain parts of the eye. Some of them are the following:

  • Cataracts- It is the clouding of normally clear lens of human eye. People with cataract feel difficulty in reading, driving especially in night.
  • Glaucoma- It is a very common eye disorder that results in optic nerve damage, which is also associated with the increased fluid pressure in eyes.
  • Ocular Oncology- It is the case that involves the tumors and cancers of eye which are benign (like choroidal nevus, choroidal hemangiomas) and malignant (iris, ciliary body, choroid, conjunctiva, eyelid, orbit and metastatic melanoma to the eye), retinoblastoma, ocular metastasis.
  • Oculoplastics- It is the reconstruction of eye and the associated structures. It involves various surgical procedures dealing with different parts of eye.
  • Other diseases and disorders of eye.

Optometry Conferences | Eye Care Conferences | Vision science Conferences | Optometry conferences 2018

Recommended Conferences:

15th Vision Science conferences, August 10 -11, 2018 London, UK; 2nd Optometry conferences September 11-12, 2017 Paris, France; 3rd Eye  conferences, June 14-15, 2018 Rome, Italy; Ophthalmology Conferences, September 18-20, 2017 Zurich, Switzerland; 18th World Ophthalmology Conferences, December 04-06, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3rd Pediatric Ophthalmology Conferences, March 22-23, London, UK; 19th Upcoming Ophthalmology Conferences, February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany; 2nd Cataract Conferences, June 14-16, 2018 Rome, Italy; Refractive Surgery Conferences, June 14-16, 2018 Rome, ItalyPaediatric Ophthalmology Conferences and Strabismus, December 1-3, 2017 Hyderabad, India, EURETINA 2017, September 7-10, 2017 Barcelona, Spain; 17th EVRS Meetings, September 14-17, 2017 Florence, Italy; EVER 2017, September 27-30, 2017 Nice, France; DOG 2017, September 28-01 October, 2017, Berlin, Germany ;ARVO 2018, April 29-03 May 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA; WOC 2018: World Congress of Ophthalmology, June 16-20, 2018 Barcelona, Spain

Related Societies and Associations:

USA: International Council of Ophthalmology | American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus | Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology ARVO | The American Ophthalmological Society | Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalism | American Academy of Ophthalmology | American Association of Ophthalmic Oncologists and Pathologists (AAOOP) | International Society of Ocular Oncology

Europe: British Isles Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Association | European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society | European Glaucoma Society | European Vitreo Retinal Society EVRS | European Society of Ophthalmology | Academia Ophthalmologica Belgica | All-Russian Association of Ophthalmologists | Anglo-Spanish Ophthalmological Society | European Neuro-Ophthalmological Society

Asia: Asia-Pacific Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology Society | Chinese Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus | Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology | Asia Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons | Malaysian Society of Ophthalmology | Asia Cornea Society | Asia Pacific Glaucoma Society | Asia Pacific Society of Ocular Oncology and Pathology (APSOOP)


Case Reports on Pulmonology:

Pulmonology is a field of medicine that focuses specifically on diagnosing and treating disorders of the respiratory system. Subspecialties of pulmonology can include interstitial lung disease- which focuses on lung diseases marked by persistent inflammation and scarring, interventional pulmonology- which employs multidisciplinary care to treat airway disorders, lung cancer, and pleural diseases, lung transplantation, neuromuscular disease- which refers to conditions that occur due to respiratory muscle failure, obstructive lung disease- which involves airway narrowing or obstruction and sleep-disordered breathing.

Lung Cancer | COPD | Tuberculosis | Asthma | Respiratory Disorders | Lung Transplantation | Respiratory Tract Infections | Pulmonary Diseases and Therapeutics | Respiratory Equipment Devices | Prevention of Lung Disorders | Advanced Diagnostic for Lung disorder | Prevention & Control of Respiratory disease

Related Conferences:

3rd Annual Congress on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs, October 30-November 1 2017 San Antonio, Texas, USA; 6th International Congress on Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases, May 2-3, 2018 Orlando, USA; 3rd International Conference on Flu & Emerging Infectious Diseases, October 30-November 01 2017 Las Vegas, USA; 7th Asia Pacific STD and Infectious Diseases Congress October 23-25, 2017 Osaka, Japan; 13th World Congress on Infection Prevention and Control going to be held in Dec 14-16, 2017 Rome, Italy; 5th International congress on Infectious diseases, March 1-2 2018 Berlin, Germany;.

Related Societies and Associations:

Lung Foundation AustraliaThe Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand LimitedAustralian Respiratory CouncilRespiratory Nursing societyAustralasian sleep Association | Asian Pacific Society of Respirology | Chinese COPD Patient Education Organization | COPD Club of Northern Thailand | COPD Patient Organization of Vietnam | COPD Club of Northern Thailand | COPD Patient Organization of Vietnam | Asian Pacific Society of Respirology | Chinese COPD Patient Education Organization | Asian Pacific Society of RespirologyChinese COPD Patient Education OrganizationCOPD Club of Northern ThailandCOPD Patient Organization of Vietnam

Conference Venue Details

Find out what you need to visit Canada as a tourist or business person, how to extend your stay in Canada and what documents you need to carry with you to transit through Canada.

Application submission:

Canada does not have a visa office in every country so it is important that Delegates/Attendees visit the website of the visa office responsible for processing their visa applications.  Information is available on the website on how to submit a visa application and the documentation required. 

Delegates/Attendees are encouraged to submit their visa applications well in advance of the date of the event at a Visa Application Centre or on-line E-applications (e-Apps).


This system allows clients to submit applications online.

Delegates/Attendees that need a visa but require their passport for other travel purposes are strongly encouraged to submit their visa applications on-line (e-Apps).  Delegates/Attendees that choose to apply on-line will not have to submit their passport until a decision has been taken on their applications.  If required, the visa office will send the applicant instructions on how and where to send their passports to finalize the visa process.  

Visa Application Centres (VACs):

VACs are commercial service providers authorized by Canada to provide specific services to applicants. 

VACs provide a number of services including help applicants fill out forms, answer questions and ensure that applications are complete, thereby reducing unnecessary delays or refusals due to incomplete applications.

Applicants that are required to provide biometrics information as part of the visa application process can do so at a VAC.  Additional information on the biometrics requirements is available at the IRCC website.

VACs send applications to Visa Offices and transmit decisions to applicants in a secure and confidential manner. VACs do not process visa applications and play no role in the decision-making process.

Visa Applications Processing Time:

Processing time for visa applications vary depending on the office and the time of the year.  Participants should be encouraged to apply early for their visas, and to submit complete applications including all supporting documents.  

Please visit the IRCC website for information on the time it takes to process visa applications at the various visa offices. 

NEW - Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA)

As of March 15, 2016, visa-exempt foreign nationals are expected to have an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to fly to or transit through Canada. Exceptions include U.S. citizens, and travellers with a valid Canadian visa. Canadian citizens, including dual citizens, and Canadian permanent residents are not eligible to apply for an eTA.

However, from March 15, 2016 until fall 2016, travellers who do not have an eTA can board their flight, as long as they have appropriate travel documents, such as a valid passport. During this time, border services officers can let travellers arriving without an eTA into the country, as long as they meet the other requirements to enter Canada. We invite you to consult the IRCC website regularly for information updates on eTA.

Case Reports 2017

Conference Series LLC LTD proudly announces the successful completion of the 6th International Conference on Clinical and Medical Case Reports held during October 16-18, 2017 at San Francisco, California, USA with the support and contribution from the esteemed Organizing Committee Members, Speakers, Delegates, Media Partners and other supporters.

Firstly, we are thankful to you for trusting us and a part of the Case Reports 2017, a global platform to discuss various important aspects of clinical research and case studies. There are infinite reasons to extend our gratitude to all our supporters for making the Case Reports 2017 a great conference. We couldn't have done it without your continuous support and believe towards our organization, which mutually made to achieve Case Reports 2017 a new height in the field of healthcare.

The conference was manifest with the presence of global experts both from academia and industries, young and brilliant researchers, business & academic delegates and student communities from more than 25 countries, who have driven this conference into the path of success.   

Case Reports 2017 was based on the theme “Sharing the Reason behind Patients Happiness of Well Being.” The event rooted a firm relation of upcoming strategies in the field of Pathology with the medical community and promoted many collaborated research activities. The conference witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers, keynote/plenary speakers, well-known researchers and delegates who enlightened the crowd with their enviable research knowledge and on various alluring topics related to the field of medicine & healthcare through their fabulous presentations at the platform of Case Reports 2017.   

Conference Series LLC LTD. offers its heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all the Organizing Committee Members, Keynote Speakers, Chairs and Co-chairs, Speakers, Students, Media Partners and Editorial Board Members of Journal of Clinical Case Reports, Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine, Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology who supported the conference in every aspect for the awe-inspiring exhibition at the venue.

A Special thanks to the Organizing Committee Members of Case Reports 2017, Keynote Speakers, Chairs and Co-chairs without whom it might have a very difficult scenario for us to deliver the amazing conference.

So as continuation of Case Reports Conferences series, we would like to heartily welcome you to our upcoming 10th International Conference on Clinical & Medical Case Reports (Case Reports 2018), August 31-September 01, 2018 at Toronto Canada.

We look forward to seeing your benign presence with active contribution and support to make this upcoming Case Reports Conference a huge success.

Let’s meet again @ Toronto for Case Reports 2018

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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date August 31,2018
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